Lunar Fish Freezing
Lunar fish freezing - Fraserburgh - 2010
A member of staff at Lunar fish freezing and packing factory holds a frozen block of Mackerel.
The Mackerel is frozen, which takes two and a half hours before being stacked and stored within the factory ready for shipping to its customers - 2010.
A member of staff checks the quality of the Mackerel - 2010.
The Mackerel is sorted into weight before being frozen, stacked and stored within the factory, ready for shipping to its customers - Factory Manager Derek Bond - 2010.
Staff sort the Mackerel into weight before being packed within the factory ready for shipping - 2010.
Frozen block of Mackerel - 2010.
A member of staff at Lunar fish freezing and packing factory holds a frozen block of Mackerel - 2010.
The Mackerel is packed within the factory ready for shipping to its customers - 2010.
Fraserburgh Harbour - 2010.